Directed by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi and starring Sonny Chiba Karate Warriors is the 4th and final film in the "Street Fighter...
Two chickens start a new chapter in their lives by learning a mysterious martial art. As they train, it is obvious they ...
The Kung Fu Masters are back! When an evil dog known as Trapper steals an ancient talisman it's up to Kung Fu Dog!
When an ancient evil grows in the heart of China, it's up to the chosen twelve to stop it.
When an evil monster known as Nian rises in the heart of China, it's up to the chosen twelve to stop it! Will they?
Two young lovers return home to announce their engagement, only to discover their families are feuding over a valuable p...
A cunning mercenary devises an elaborate ruse to gain entry into a sacred Shaolin temple. Once he successfully infiltrat...
To avenge his parents, Lao kidnaps the daughter of one of the men who betrayed his father in hope of luring him out.
Criminals split a treasure map into eight pieces for safekeeping, vowing to meet up in three years to complete their hei...
During the Second World War, the Japanese send in two ex-prisoners to rule over a lumberyard in occupied China with brut...
A newcomer fends off thugs when they harass a young woman. After raping her, the thugs are found dead in the woods. The ...
A group of friends want to escape their mundane 9 to 5 jobs. They decide to document their lives as they search for an u...