Martial Arts Comedies

The Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues (1991)
Trashy movie ahead! In this early '90s martial arts film, two friends find themselves in serious trouble with the ruthle...
DragonBlade (2005)
A town is attacked by a deadly creature. The only thing that can stop it is the DragonBlade, but the one who knows where...
Fearless Hyena (1979)
Jackie Chan is a youngster in this 70's martial arts classic film. Living in a remote village with his grandfather, who ...
Shaolin Temple (1976)
The Shaolin Temple is the last place to resist defeat by the Manchu Dynasty, mostly because of their unique fighting sty...
Samurai Cop (1991)
Trashy martial arts warning! A deadly 'Code of Silence' sweeps through Los Angeles as gang violence erupts, taking no pr...
Champ Vs. Champ (1980)
After losing to the evil Master Kai and his men, Lee Wen (Dragon Lee) has one of his legs amputated. But with the help o...
Office Ninja (2011)
After losing his dream promotion to a rival co-worker. Tomas vows to restore his honor. ultra low budget comedic silline...
Dreadnaught (1981)
A short-tempered, violent criminal named "White Tiger" is on the run from the police and joins a theater troupe for disg...
Kids From Shaolin (1984)
Romance blossoms between two rival families practicing Shaolin and Wudang kungfu respectively. despite familial oppositi...
Silent Rage (1982)
Starring Chuck Norris as a sheriff who tries to stop the killing spree of a silent maniacal murderer who is the result o...